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CineCircle PRO

Acquiring Private Investment


In this talk we'll discuss what private investors and really looking for and why they fund films. We'll discuss what you need to have in place before you reach out to potential investors and what can you expect when you manage to book in a pitch session. This in-depth talk will go into some of the more technical and advanced aspects of finding private investors. About Peter Dunphy: Peter is a Lead Executive Producer/Producer for 14 full length feature films many award winning including 'Mad To Be Normal', 'Funny Cow' and 'The Quiet One’. He also worked as the Investment Director at Hamilton Bradshaw Private Equity as well as the Founder and Director of businesses in UK, USA, Switzerland, Dubai, Hong Kong, China and Australia. He currently specialises in structuring of film finance, SEIS/EIS, tax credit assessment & applications and investor relations.



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