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Finding Work in the TV Industry

If you're passionate about television and dream of working in the TV industry in the UK, you're not alone. The television industry in the UK is thriving, with a wide range of opportunities for those interested in various roles, including production, writing, editing, acting, directing, and more. However, finding work in the competitive TV industry can be challenging. In this blog, we will explore some tips and strategies to help you navigate the process of finding work in the TV industry in the UK.

1. Research the TV Industry

Before diving into your job search, it's essential to research the TV industry in the UK thoroughly. Gain a comprehensive understanding of the different sectors, genres, and formats of television production in the UK. Familiarize yourself with the major broadcasters, production companies, and TV studios, as well as their current and upcoming projects. Stay updated with industry news, trends, and developments to showcase your knowledge and passion during job interviews.

Understanding the TV industry landscape will help you target your job search more effectively and tailor your applications to specific roles and companies. Research the job requirements, qualifications, and skills needed for the roles you're interested in and identify any gaps in your knowledge or experience that you may need to address.

2. Gain Practical Experience

Having practical experience is crucial when seeking work in the TV industry. Entry-level roles may require previous experience or internships, so gaining practical experience through internships, work placements, or volunteering can be invaluable. Look for opportunities at production companies, TV studios, broadcasters, or local TV stations to gain hands-on experience in your desired field.

You can also create your own projects or collaborate with others to build your portfolio and demonstrate your skills. For example, you can create a short film, a web series, or a video project that showcases your abilities in writing, directing, editing, or any other TV-related role. This not only helps you gain practical experience but also demonstrates your initiative and creativity to potential employers.

3. Improve Your Skills

Continuously improving your skills is essential in the TV industry. Stay updated with the latest trends, technologies, and techniques relevant to your field of interest. For example, if you're interested in TV production, learn about the latest cameras, editing software, or production techniques. If you're interested in writing, hone your scriptwriting skills and learn about different formats, genres, and styles of TV writing.

You can take relevant courses, workshops, or certifications to enhance your skills and knowledge. There are many online resources, tutorials, and educational platforms that offer courses specifically designed for the TV industry. Additionally, consider joining industry-related organizations or associations that offer workshops, events, and resources to help you improve your skills and stay connected with other professionals in the field.

4. Tailor Your Resume and Cover Letter

When applying for TV industry jobs in the UK, it's essential to tailor your resume and cover letter to each specific role and company. Highlight your relevant skills, qualifications, and experience that align with the job requirements. Emphasize your practical experience, including internships, work placements, or any relevant projects you have worked on.

Make sure to customize your resume and cover letter for each application, and avoid using generic templates. Use industry-specific keywords and phrases in your resume and cover letter to optimize them for applicant tracking systems (ATS) and improve your chances of getting noticed by employers. Include any relevant certifications, awards, or achievements that showcase your expertise and dedication to the TV industry.

5. Be Proactive and Persistent

Finding work in the TV industry in the UK requires proactivity and persistence. Keep an eye on job boards, production company websites, and industry-specific platforms for job openings. Create job alerts and follow industry professionals and companies on social media to stay updated with any new opportunities. Networking is also crucial in the TV industry, so attend industry events, join online forums or groups, and connect with professionals in the field to expand your network and learn about potential job openings.

When applying for TV industry jobs, be proactive and follow up on your applications. Send personalized follow-up emails or make phone calls to inquire about the status of your application and express your continued interest in the position. Be persistent, as the hiring process in the TV industry can sometimes take time, and you may face rejection or setbacks along the way. Don't get discouraged and keep applying to relevant opportunities and improving your skills and qualifications.

6. Showcase Your Portfolio

In the TV industry, your portfolio is your showcase of skills and experience. Create a professional portfolio that includes samples of your work, such as writing samples, video clips, or any other relevant materials that demonstrate your abilities. Make sure your portfolio is organized, easy to navigate, and visually appealing.

If you don't have much professional experience yet, include any personal projects, student work, or other relevant materials that showcase your potential. Consider creating a showreel, a demo reel, or an online portfolio website that showcases your work and makes it easily accessible for potential employers to review.

7. Be Flexible and Open to Opportunities

The TV industry in the UK can be competitive, so it's important to be flexible and open to different opportunities. While you may have a specific role or genre in mind, be willing to explore other options and gain experience in different areas of TV production. Be open to freelance work, temporary roles, or smaller productions to gain experience and build your network.

Keep in mind that the TV industry is constantly evolving, and opportunities may arise in unexpected places. Be open to learning new skills, taking on different roles, and seizing opportunities that may not be your ultimate goal but can help you gain valuable experience and connections in the industry.

8. Be Professional and Reliable

Professionalism is crucial in the TV industry. Ensure that your resume, cover letter, and portfolio are well-presented and free of errors. Follow any specific application instructions provided by the employer, such as submitting samples of your work or completing any required tests or assessments.

If you are called for an interview or audition, be punctual, well-prepared, and dress appropriately. Research the company and the role you are applying for, and be ready to answer questions about your experience, skills, and motivation for working in the TV industry. Be polite, enthusiastic, and respectful in all your interactions with potential employers and industry professionals, as your attitude and demeanor can make a lasting impression.

9. Build Your Brand Online

In today's digital age, building your personal brand online can significantly enhance your chances of finding work in the TV industry. Create a professional online presence through social media, a personal website, or a blog that showcases your work, skills, and industry knowledge. Share relevant content, engage with industry professionals, and participate in relevant discussions to establish yourself as a knowledgeable and passionate individual in the TV industry.

Be mindful of your online presence and ensure that your social media profiles are professional and free from any content that may be detrimental to your job search. Consider creating a LinkedIn profile, which is a popular platform for professionals in the TV industry, and connect with other professionals, join industry-related groups, and share your expertise.

10. Stay Positive and Persevere

Finding work in the TV industry in the UK can be competitive and challenging, but it's important to stay positive and persevere. Keep improving your skills, gaining practical experience, and networking with industry professionals. Be patient and don't get discouraged by rejection or setbacks, as they are inevitable in any job search process.

Stay motivated and focused on your goals. Keep updating your resume and portfolio as you gain more experience and skills. Keep applying to relevant job opportunities and following up on your applications. Be open to feedback and continuously work on improving your craft. Surround yourself with a supportive network of friends, mentors, and fellow industry professionals who can provide guidance and encouragement along the way.

Remember that finding work in the TV industry may not happen overnight, and it may require perseverance and determination. Stay committed to your passion for television and keep pushing forward despite any challenges you may face. Stay informed about industry trends, stay relevant by keeping up with new technologies and techniques, and continue to develop your skills through professional development opportunities.


Finding work in the TV industry in the UK requires dedication, perseverance, and a strategic approach. With a competitive job market and constantly evolving industry, it's important to be proactive, network, showcase your skills, and stay positive and focused on your goals.

Start by identifying your skills and interests, researching the TV industry landscape in the UK, and tailoring your resume and cover letter to highlight your relevant experience. Utilize various job search platforms, network with professionals, and stay updated with industry news and trends. Build a professional online presence, create a portfolio that showcases your work, and be prepared to be flexible and open to different opportunities.

Professionalism, reliability, and a positive attitude are crucial in the TV industry. Stay persistent, follow up on your applications, and be willing to learn and adapt to changes in the industry. Surround yourself with a supportive network and continuously work on improving your skills and qualifications.

Remember, finding work in the TV industry may not be easy, but with determination, perseverance, and a strategic approach, you can increase your chances of success. Stay true to your passion for television and keep pushing forward in your job search. Your dream job in the UK TV industry may be just around the corner! Good luck!

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